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Yoga for Kids

Yoga is not just for adults! In fact, it can give children very important life skills that can help them succeed in the world.

Positive parenting techniques work well for raising children with discipline and good moral values, and is every Parent’s dream.

A garden with different flowers becomes beautiful when it blossoms. Similarly, if parents learn how to be a ‘gardener’ and are able to recognize their child’s personality and nourish it, then their ‘garden’ will become fragrant! This is what positive parenting is all about!
They just need the right guidance and support which will happen only through YOGA.
Yoga for children is the perfect tool for a healthy body and mind.
YOGA Develops Focus and Concentration. The act of practicing poses encourages children to clear their mind and focus on the effort. As a result of this single focus to achieve a particular pose or stay balanced, yoga helps children to focus and concentrate in school and get better grades, several studies note. 

Yoga and mindfulness have been shown to improve both physical and mental health in school-age children (ages 6 to 12).  Yoga and mindfulness offer psychological benefits for children as well. A growing body of research has already shown that yoga can improve focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behavior, and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children.

“If every eight year Kids in the world is taught Asanas and Meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”

Benefits of Yoga for Young Kids:

. Helps children manage their anxiety
. Improves their emotional regulation
. Boosts their self-esteem.
. Increases children’s body awareness and mindfulness
. Enhances children’s concentration and memory.
. Develops children’s strength and flexibility
. Teaches discipline and reduces impulsivity.